GCC, UGA Cotton Team: Keep an Eye on Crop

Clint Thompson Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)


By Clint Thompson

The Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC) and University of Georgia (UGA) Cotton Team encourage growers to keep an eye on their crop amid the current harvest season. Producers should especially be mindful of their cotton following last week’s colder temperatures.

Camp Hand, UGA Extension cotton agronomist, discusses the importance of farmers watching their crop at this point in the season.

Camp Hand

“If you hadn’t defoliated your crop, keep your eye on it, because we won’t know the impact of the frost in areas until the middle of (this) week,” Hand said. “Let’s keep an eye on that and make sure the crop is moving along. There were places in North Georgia that grow cotton and had a hard freeze. In those areas, if you hadn’t defoliated, go on and make a move there, spray a little Prep (growth regulator) and get those bolls open. Let’s get the crop out.”

Georgia farmers are about 30% complete in their harvest, which is above the five-year average.