Georgia Cotton Commission: Driver Safety Important Amid Harvest Time

Dan Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

byh Clint Thompson


Cotton harvests are well underway across Georgia. Growers and farm workers are transporting harvesters to fields across the state. Driver safety is of the utmost importance.

The Georgia Cotton Commission reminds drivers to be safe on the roads as producers, traveling at reduced speeds, transport harvesting equipment from one field to the next.

“We just ask that all of the consumers, citizens out there that are on the highways to give a little extra room. Try to be patient with people because these are our farmers going about their jobs,” said Taylor Sills, executive director of the Georgia Cotton Commission. “It’s very important not only to them but to the consumers out there as well. It’s just a few minutes if you have to wait. We want everybody to be safe.” According to UGA Extension, Georgia ranks third in cotton production and planted acres. Cotton’s overall impact exceeds $3 billion.

About the Author

Clint Thompson

Multimedia Journalist for AgNet Media Inc.