By Clint Thompson
The Sunbelt Ag Expo is a week away for those interested in attending the event, scheduled for Oct. 18-20, in Moultrie, Georgia.
Various crop organizations will be in attendance, including the Georgia Cotton Commission. Executive director Taylor Sills invites producers to stop by and say hello during any one of the three days.
“The Sunbelt Ag Expo is a great opportunity for companies to highlight what they’re showing off and for us to reach consumers and growers alike and talk about the importance of the cotton industry. We get to see some folks, too, that we don’t normally see and catch up with people in different parts of the Ag industry,” Sills said.
“Ourselves, the Cotton Commission, along with the Cotton Board who administers the Cotton Research and Promotion program and the Quail Forever Cotton Incorporated partnership will have a tent near the John Deere exhibit at the Expo. Any growers that are nearby in the area that are coming to visit the show, come by and see us.”
The event attracts more than 1,200 exhibitors every year and features more than 300 different seminars and demonstrations over the three days.
The 100-acre exhibit area adjoins to a 600-acre working research farm that will feature harvests of various crops like cotton, peanuts, corn, soybeans and hay.
This year’s schedule of events includes the Willie B. Withers Luncheon and 31st annual Swisher/Sunbelt Ag Expo Southeastern Farmer of the Year announcement on Tuesday, Oct. 18 at noon.
Click here for information about show hours, admission and tickets.