Cotton, Peanut Crops Update

Dan Cotton, Peanuts

When it comes to the crop progress report for the Southeast, cotton harvest has begun in some areas, while the crop continues to push towards that point in others. USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey has the latest on cotton crop progress and condition.

And Rippey looks at what the USDA’s report says about the peanut crop as of this past Sunday.

In Alabama, cotton bolls opening is 58 percent, which compares to 39 percent last year with the 5-year average at 60 percent. Cotton harvested is only 1 percent, which compares to 1 percent last year and the 5-year average is also 1 percent. Peanuts dug are at 9 percent. That compares to 13 percent this time last year while the 5-year average is 14 percent. Peanuts harvested are at 2 percent, which compares to 4 percent last year, while the 5-year average is also 4 percent.


In Florida, cotton bolls opening is 36 percent, which compares to 30 percent last year with the 5-year average at 45 percent. Cotton harvested is only 1 percent, which compares to 0 percent last year and the 5-year average is also 0 percent. Peanuts dug are at 35 percent. That compares to 25 percent this time last year while the 5-year average is 33 percent. Peanuts harvested are at 14 percent, which compares to 16 percent last year, while the 5-year average is 20 percent.

In Georgia, cotton bolls opening is 60 percent, which compares to 52 percent last year with the 5-year average at 63 percent. Cotton harvested is 2 percent, which compares to only 1 percent last year and the 5-year average is 2 percent. Peanuts dug are at 10 percent. That compares to 7 percent this time last year while the 5-year average is 13 percent. Peanuts harvested are at 4 percent, which compares to 3 percent last year, while the 5-year average is 5 percent.