![local work group](https://i0.wp.com/southeastagnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Pine-trees.forest.shutterstock_751356172-1024x683.jpg?resize=742%2C495&ssl=1)
Soil and Water Conservation Districts and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Georgia join forces each year to host local work group meetings. During these meetings, local input is gathered from agricultural producers, private forestland managers, conservation organizations and natural resource agencies to help identify and prioritize the natural resource concerns most important for the area.
The local work group is then invited to review opportunities afforded by the Farm Bill conservation programs to address those local concerns. Feedback is gathered on how the programs, including any state or national initiatives, can best be used to address local needs. Partners also bring their knowledge of state, local and private opportunities that may be complementary to the Farm Bill programs in enhancing conservation of local resources.
The local District Conservationist uses these local work group recommendations to develop the local NRCS conservation programs. The recommendations are also forwarded to the State Conservationist and State Technical Committee for use in crafting state conservation priorities and program delivery.
For a full list of this year’s meeting details, click here. Learn more about Georgia’s Conservation Districts: gacd.us/districts.