Cotton, Peanut Crop Update

Dan Cotton, Field Crops, Peanuts


Some beneficial rains have been seen in various areas of the cotton belt. And according to USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey, the condition of the crop has improved some, but it’s still below where it was this time last year.

And Rippey looks at what the USDA’s Crop Progress Report says about the peanut crop as of this past Sunday.

In Alabama, cotton squaring is at 94 percent, which compares to 93 percent this time last year while the 5-year average is 91 percent. Cotton setting bolls is 79 percent, which compares to 63 percent last year with the 5-year average at 67 percent. Peanuts pegging are at 85 percent. That compares to 86 percent this time last year while the 5-year average is 90 percent.


In Florida, cotton squaring is at 94 percent, which compares to 92 percent last year while the 5-year average is 91 percent. Cotton setting bolls is at 63 percent. Last year at this time it was at 58 percent while the 5-year average is 69 percent. Peanut pegging are at 97 percent, which compares to 94 percent last year and the 5-year average is 91 percent.

In Georgia, cotton squaring is 94 percent, which compares to 94 percent last year while the 5-year average is 95 percent. Cotton setting bolls is at 65 percent. Last year at this time it was at 60 percent while the 5-year average is 69 percent. Peanuts pegging are at 96 percent, which compares to 94 percent this time last year and the 5-year average is 96 percent.