American Fruit Grower’s Survey Shows Serious Labor Concerns

Dan Fruits, Labor and Immigration, Specialty Crops

American Fruit Growers

The American Fruit Growers held its annual State of the Industry survey. Labor was a big topic in the survey, and one-third of the respondents say it’s not an issue for them, at least not yet.

Growing Produce says they typically have a stable team of employees, and in 20 percent of those cases, it includes family members. For the remaining two-thirds of the survey responders, available labor is a huge challenge.

A California apple grower told Growing Produce, “In California, we’re limited to a 40-hour workweek. They’re also considering reducing it to four days a week and raising the minimum wage to $15.50 an hour.”


A citrus grower from Florida says it’s “virtually impossible” to find excellent farm labor.

Just two in 10 survey responders currently use the H-2A program that authorizes lawful admission into the U.S. for temporary, non-immigrant workers to do agricultural labor or provide seasonal services.

(From the National Association of Farm Broadcasters)