Florida Agriculture Community to Complete Federal Farm Bill Feedback Survey

Dan Farm Bill, Florida, Legislative

florida agriculture

(FDACS/Tallahassee, FL/July 15, 2022) — Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried is encouraging Florida’s producers, stakeholders in food and nutrition fields, and consumers to complete the U.S. House Agriculture Committee 2023 Farm Bill online feedback survey. Providing feedback is essential to inform federal representatives of the needs and interests of Florida’s agricultural community as Congress looks to enact major policies that will drive the food and nutrition systems for years to come.

“Agriculture is the backbone of our state’s economy, and our ability to keep Florida growing and keep families fed in the future is dependent upon the federal policy decisions being made today,” said Commissioner Fried. “Florida is home to 47,500 farms and ranches and the agriculture industry supports more than 2.4 million jobs, feeding families across the state, nation, and world. I hope all those engaged in our agriculture industry and food system – from producers to suppliers to consumers and everyone in between – takes this opportunity to share their thoughts and feedback to inform the drafting of the 2023 Farm Bill.”

The survey can be viewed and completed here.


Every five years, Congress creates an omnibus piece of legislation called the “Farm Bill” to address the country’s agricultural and food policy needs. The last Farm Bill was passed in 2018 and Congress is currently preparing to consider the next Farm Bill in 2023. The bill covers a variety of issues facing rural and agricultural communities such as commodities, conservation, trade, nutrition, credit, rural development, forestry, energy, horticulture, and crop insurance, among others, with key programs of the bill implemented by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Source: Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services