House Ag Leaders Seeking Farm Bill Feedback

Dan Farm Bill, Legislative


An integral part of the oversight and review process for future Farm Bills is getting direct input from producers, stakeholders, and consumers on how various programs are working for them.

So, House Agriculture Committee Chairman David Scott and Republican Leader Glenn “GT” Thompson are offering the opportunity for the public to submit feedback and ideas online for the 2023 Farm Bill.

This is a chance to hear directly from farmers, ranchers and foresters across the nation who utilize our farm bill programs to make sure we are prioritizing their needs as well as the needs of the nutrition, research, and rural development communities,” said Chairman David Scott. I strongly encourage all who are interested to share their input on how the 2018 Farm Bill is or is not meeting their needs, so that we, at the House Agriculture Committee, can craft a strong farm bill and best meet the needs of people.


It is critical we receive feedback from farmers, ranchers, producers, and families nationwide as the 2023 Farm Bill draws nearer. Hearing directly from farm country about what’s working and what’s not is the only way to ensure we craft a bill that meets the needs of rural America,” said Republican Leader Thompson.

To submit feedback and ideas for the 2023 Farm Bill click here.