Cotton, Peanut Planting and Condition Update

Dan Cotton, Peanuts

Planting of both the cotton and peanut crops across the Southeast are in the final stages. USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey has the latest cotton planting, squaring and condition ratings.

And Rippey takes a look at peanut planting and condition.

In Alabama, cotton planted is 95 percent. Last year at this time it was at 98 percent while the 5-year average is 96 percent. Cotton squaring is 7 percent. Last year at this time it was at 4 percent while the 5-year average is 11 percent. Peanuts planted in Alabama are at 90 percent. That compares to 95 percent this time last year while the 5-year average is 92 percent.

In Florida, cotton planted is 95 percent. That compares to 90 percent last year while the 5-year average is 90 percent. Cotton squaring is 2 percent. Last year at this time it was at 3 percent while the 5-year average is 9 percent. Peanut planting, as of this past Sunday, was at 98 percent, which compares to 98 percent last year and the 5-year average is 96 percent.

In Georgia, cotton planted is 92 percent. That compares to 93 percent last year while the 5-year average is 92 percent. Cotton squaring is 15 percent. Last year at this time it was at 18 percent while the 5-year average is 20 percent. Peanuts planted in Georgia are at 97 percent, which compares to 96 percent this time last year and the 5-year average is 95 percent.