Southeast Cotton, Peanut Planting Pace on Target

Dan Cotton, Peanuts

Rain across some areas of the Southeast have halted cotton and peanut planting for a bit. But USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey notes that as of this past Sunday the pace of both is on target with the 5-year averages across the belt. He first looks at cotton.

And Rippey updates peanut planting progress.

In Alabama, cotton planted is now at 74 percent. Last year at this time it was at 64 percent while the 5-year average is 73 percent. Peanuts planted in Alabama were at 61 percent. That compares to 57 percent this time last year while the 5-year average is 64 percent.

In Florida, cotton planting is now at 58 percent. That compares to 36 percent last year while the 5-year average is 53 percent. Peanut planting, as of this past Sunday, was at 77 percent, which compares to 77 percent last year and the 5-year average is 75 percent.

In Georgia, cotton planting is now at 59 percent. That compares to 58 percent last year while the 5-year average is 60 percent. Peanuts planted in Georgia were at 71 percent, which compares to 63 percent this time last year and the 5-year average is 68 percent.