Cotton Planting On-Par with 5-year Average

Dan Cotton, Peanuts, USDA-NASS

cotton planting

The 2022 cotton and peanut crop continues to be planted, and in most areas continues to be on par with the averages. USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey says cotton planting this past week equals the five-year average.

Cotton Planting On-Par with 5-year Average

In Alabama, corn planted was at 96 percent, which compares to 98 percent last year and the 5-year average is 97 percent. Corn emerged was at 86 percent, which compares to 95 percent last year and the 5-year average is 90 percent. Cotton planted is now at 54 percent. Last year at this time it was at 40 percent while the 5-year average is 55 percent. Peanuts planted in Alabama were at 48 percent. That compares to 34 percent this time last year while the 5-year average is 46 percent.


In Florida, cotton planting is now at 29 percent. That compares to 24 percent last year while the 5-year average is 30 percent. Peanut planting, as of this past Sunday, was at 60 percent, which compares to 54 percent last year and the 5-year average is 56 percent.

In Georgia, most all of the 2022 corn crop had been planted as of this past Sunday. Corn emerged was at 96 percent, which compares to 93 percent last year and the 5-year average is 95 percent. Cotton planting is now at 39 percent. That compares to 35 percent last year while the 5-year average is 42 percent. Peanuts planted in Georgia were are 48 percent, which compares to 39 percent this time last year and the 5-year average is 49 percent.