Applications Being Accepted for RCPP Funding

Dan Conservation, Economy, Environment, USDA-NRCS


In January, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announced up to $225 million will be made available for conservation partners through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). It is a partner-driven program that leverages collective resources to find solutions to address natural resource challenges on agricultural land.

NRCS Chief Terry Cosby notes this year’s funding announcements include opportunities for projects that address climate change, benefit historically underserved producers and support urban agriculture. And he explains the two types of funding opportunities.

USDA is accepting project proposals for both components of RCPP through April 13, 2022.

Funding is open to agriculture and silviculture associations, non-government organizations, Indian tribes, state and local governments, conservation districts and universities, among others.

Private landowners can apply to participate in a RCPP project through awarded partners or at their local USDA service center.