Vilsack Announces Appointments to The Cotton Board

Dan Cotton

cotton board

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has announced the appointment of new members, alternates, and advisors to serve on The Cotton Board. The appointees will serve three-year terms.

Newly appointed members: Michelle Tarry, Importer – NJ; and Tara Hoffmann, Importer – NY.

Newly appointed alternate members: Caroline P. Collins, Producer – GA; Joe Cuervo, Importer – TX; and Scott C. Wagner, Importer – FL.

Reappointed members: Adam Hatley, Producer – AZ; George Teel Warbington, Producer – GA; Jeff Posey, Producer – TX; Julie Davis Holladay, Producer – TX; Randy Braden, Producer – TX; Sonja Chapman, Importer – NJ.

Reappointed alternate members: Ava Lynn Alcaida, Producer – AZ; Brett Schniers, Producer – TX; Jason French, Producer – TX; Steve Olson, Producer – TX; and Patricia R. Lesser, Importer – CA.


Reappointed advisors:Lamont Bridgeforth – AL; and Karen Kyllo – NV.

In addition, USDA issued the following appointments to fill board vacancies. Each of these appointees have terms that will expire Dec. 31, 2022.

Newly appointed member:Alex Armour, Producer – TN.

Newly appointed alternate members:Kirk Smithwick, Importer – AL; John R. Rosman, Importer – TX; Matthew Davis, Importer – OH; Kathy Fowler, Producer – OK; and Gem Mitchell, Producer – TN.

Jimmy Webb, Georgia cotton producer and current Chairman of The Cotton Board said, “I am pleased to welcome this group of leaders to The Cotton Board. I look forward to meeting the new appointees and leaning on the experience of those who have been reappointed. The Cotton Board has an extensive orientation program set up to ensure new Members and Alternates are fully up-to-speed and prepared to participate at our upcoming March board meeting.”