Cotton Harvest Continues, Peanut Harvest Winding Down

Dan Cotton, Peanuts, USDA-NASS

While cotton harvest continues, peanut harvest is starting to wind down. USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey says cotton harvest progressed rapidly last week due to good weather.

Cotton Harvest Continues

And Rippey has the latest look at the nation’s peanut harvest.

Peanut Harvest Winding Down

In Alabama, cotton harvested as of this past Sunday was at 78 percent, which compares to 80 percent last year and 82 percent is the 5-year average. For peanuts, 94 percent of the crop has been harvested, which compares to 95 percent last year, and the 5-year average is also 95 percent.

In Florida, 55 percent of the cotton crop has been harvested, which compares to 54 percent last year and 59 percent is the 5-year average. For peanuts, 99 percent of the crop has been harvested which is even with the 5-year average.

In Georgia, 67 percent of the cotton crop has been harvested, which compares to 71 percent last year and 78 percent is the 5-year average. For peanuts, 94 percent have been harvested which compares to 94 percent last year and the 5-year average is 95 percent.