USDA Collecting Final 2021 Crop Production and Stocks Data

Dan Crop Forecasts, USDA-NASS

crop production

With another harvest season nearing an end, the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will be contacting producers to gather final year-end crop production numbers and the amount of grain and oilseeds stored on their farms. Plus, NASS will survey grain facility operators to determine year-end grain and oilseed stocks.

To protect the health of producers, partners, and employees, NASS will be unable to work with survey respondents in person to complete this survey.

“These surveys are the basis for the official USDA estimates of production and harvested acres of all major agricultural commodities in the United States and year-end grain and oilseed supplies,” explained NASS Southern Regional Director Anthony Prillaman. “Data from the survey will benefit farmers and processors by providing timely and accurate information to help them make critical year-end business decisions and begin planning for the next growing and marketing season.”


NASS will analyze the survey information and publish the results in a series of USDA reports. This includes the Crop Production Annual Summary and quarterly Grain Stocks reports, both scheduled for release on January 12, 2022.

“Responses to this survey will also be combined with the County Agricultural Production Survey and used in calculating county yields which will be used by USDA for various programs,” explained Prillaman.

As with all NASS surveys, information provided by respondents is confidential, as required by federal law.

All NASS reports are available online at