NCBA: Tell the EPA to Support Clean Water and Clear Rules

Dan Cattle, Environment, Water


The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) is urging cattle producers across the country to sign a letter they are sending to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) asking them to support clean water and clear rules.


The letter, directed to EPA Administrator Michael Regan, notes that livestock producers across the country faced years of regulatory uncertainty related to the definition of “Waters of the U.S.” Producers of course rely on clean water for the health of their livestock, families, and local communities, but the EPA must provide clear standards that support U.S. farmers, ranchers, and small businesses.

In 2020, EPA revised the WOTUS definition in a new rule, the Navigable Waters Protection Rule (NWPR). It limited federal jurisdiction to waterways that significantly contribute to downstream water quality. NCBA notes the NWPR was a major improvement on the 2015 WOTUS Rule and had broad support but now, the Biden administration is repealing it.

NCBA’s message to the EPA is livestock producers need a clear, reliable rule that allows them to operate their businesses successfully and in compliance with the law.

NCBA continues to work with the EPA and Congress to ensure that any definition of WOTUS provides necessary clarity for livestock producers and does not exceed the statutory limits of the Clean Water Act.

To learn more about this click here.