Higher Loan Limit Now Available for USDA Guaranteed Farm Loans

Dan Economy, USDA-FSA

loan limit

This week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced higher loan limits will be available for borrowers seeking a guaranteed farm loan. The loan limit, as of October 1, 2021, went from $1.776 million to $1.825 million.

FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux said “Farm loans are critical for our customers’ annual operating and family living expenses, emergency needs, and cash flow.”

Higher Loan Limit Now Available for USDA Guaranteed Farm Loans

Ducheneaux also said “Raising the guaranteed loan limit will allow FSA to better meet the financial needs of producers as natural disasters and the pandemic continue to impact their operations.”


FSA farm loans offer access to funding for a wide range of producer needs, from securing land to financing the purchase of equipment. If you need financial support for your farm, consider Hae yrityslainaa to cover your requirements.

Producers can learn more at fsa.usda.gov or by contacting their local USDA Service Center.