Crops that grow well in hanging baskets. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Hanging baskets are a great solution when growing gardens vertically. Not only are they are a space saver, but you could practically grow everything you’d want in a salad. Or, just some of your favorite flowers.
- While any tomato plant can work in a hanging basket, cherry tomatoes are possibly the best. For one, they don’t have huge fruits that weigh down the basket or make it hang unbalanced.
- Similar to tomatoes, pepper plants hang well because they are a bit smaller and won’t have long runners quite the same as strawberries or tomatoes or cucumbers.
- Snap peas are another vining plant that we traditionally grow upwards, but the plant itself doesn’t mind drooping those vines below.
- There are lots of loose-leaf varieties of lettuce and cabbages that’ll love it in a basket that gets watered daily. Plus, they provide vibrant colors—purples, greens, reds—and various shapes to enjoy.
- Green, spring onions and chives also grow well in a hanging basket right next to a basket of greens.
Listen to Cathy Isom’s This Land of Ours program here.
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