Beltwide Cotton Conferences Coming in January

Dan Cotton

Beltwide Cotton

The National Cotton Council is excited to announce that the NCC-coordinated 2022 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, is set for January 4-6 at the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel in San Antonio, Texas. The event will offer attendees timely updates on the latest research, technology and issues affecting U.S. cotton production and processing.

Registration costs for the 2022 BWCC before December 16 are: $200 for NCC/Cotton Foundation members, university and USDA researchers, extension personnel, associations and consultants; $500 for non-U.S. research, extension, associations, and consultants; $400 for non-NCC/Foundation members; and $80 for students.


Among topics being considered for inclusion in the BWCC’s Consultants Conference on the morning of January 4 are: updates on ThryvOn™ cotton and its effectiveness on providing season-long protection against tarnished plant bugs and thrips species; herbicide resistance; the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol®; changes in weather patterns and the impact on crops; the Biden Administration’s impact on agriculture; the Endangered Species Act; developments in Bt cotton; and carbon sequestration at the field level.

Those planning to attend are encouraged to register via the BWCC home page at and clicking on the registration tab.