Best and Worst Companions for Your Guava Crop

Dan Fruits, Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours

Some of the best and worst companions for your Guava crop. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

guava crop
Photo by Fabrizio Frigeni on Unsplash

Some of the best Companion Plants for Guava trees include:  citrus trees, chives, marigold, comfrey, and borage. Some of the worst companion plants are cucumber, egg plant, and potato.

For all of their hardiness, guava can be affected by several pests and deficiencies. Many different types of fruit fly target guava. It’s recommended to harvest your fruit a couple times a week to prevent over-ripening which attracts fruit flies. Guava moths is also a menace to your crop. Setting traps is the most efficient way to control these bugs. Other common pests include:  aphids, ants, and scale.


Other problems to watch out for include:  Wilt, which can be fatal for your plants and often appears in wet season.  Stylar end rot another, which discolors fruit and gives it a rotting appearance. Once your individual fruit is infected, it’s a lost cause. Remove it and also remove all dropped foliage. And, Anthracnose – a fungal disease that spreads quickly and easily. To keep this under control, you will need to use a fungicide spray regularly. 

Listen to Cathy Isom’s This Land of Ours program here.

Best and Worst Companions for Your Guava Crop