Georgia Longleaf Pine Groundcover Restoration Program

Dan Forestry, Georgia, USDA-NRCS

longleaf pine

USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Georgia invites producers interested in learning more about longleaf pine to take part in a groundcover restoration program. The Virtual Longleaf Groundcover 201 Academy, which starts August 30, is being sponsored by the Chattahoochee Fall Line Conservation Partnership and hosted by the Longleaf Alliance.

The program will focus on restoration, as expert instruction will be provided by staff from The Longleaf Alliance and guest partners through a combination of on-demand and live learning, as well as interactive exercises. The program will guide participants through a wide range of topics. They include Longleaf Pine Communities, Determining Restoration Needs, Seed Source Selection, Plants for Longleaf Restoration, Seed Collection, Site Preparation, Planting Methods along with Maintenance and Management.


The on-demand content will be open from Aug 30 to Sept 27, with live sessions being held September 9, 14 and 16.

To learn more and to register click here.