USDA Funding Risk Management Education for Underserved Producers

Dan Education, USDA-RMA

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing nearly $1 million in funding for universities and nonprofits to develop risk management training and educational tools aimed to assist historically underserved farmers and ranchers. USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) Acting Administrator, Richard Flournoy, says they are funding nine projects to help producers effectively manage long-term risks and challenges.

USDA Funding Risk Management Education for Underserved Producers

The nine projects include two here in the Southeast:

  • Workshops on practices to mitigate financial and environmental risk for Georgia growers (Seven Rivers Resource Conservation and Development Area Council with Team Agriculture Georgia)
  • Training on how to use insurance and non-insurance tools for small-scale specialty crops and livestock for producers in Florida (North-South Institute)

The projects offer a broad range of risk management training, including education on Federal crop insurance, wildfire preparedness, financial management, record keeping and risk analysis, among other topics. When determining which entities received funding, RMA considered organizations with a proven track record of success using USDA funds to serve socially disadvantaged producers, urban communities, and women producers, among others.

For more information visit the RMA website.