While the June 30 acreage report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA-NASS) shows cotton and peanut acreage is down slightly, it indicates corn and soybean acreage is up slightly.
The USDA-NASS report notes cotton growers planted 11.7 million acres this year, down 3 percent from 2020, while peanut growers planted 1.63 million acres in 2021, down two percent from last year. But corn planted in the U.S. this year is an estimated 92.7 million acres, up two percent from 2020 and soybean plantings, at 87.6 million acres, is up five percent from last year.
In Georgia, cotton planted is an estimated 1.2 million acres, up 1 percent from last year. Peanuts planted, at 830,000 acres, is up two percent from the 810,000 acres last year. Corn acreage in 2021 is estimated at 460,000 acres, up from 420,000 last year, while soybean acreage, at 130,000 acres, is up from the 100,000 acres in 2020.
In Alabama, area planted to cotton is estimated at 410,000 acres, down 9 percent from last year. Peanut planted acreage is 180,000 acres, down from last year’s 185,000 acres. Corn planted this year is 350,000 acres, up from the 330,000 acres in 2020, while soybeans planted is estimated at 320,000 acres up from 280,000 last year.
Florida planted cotton is estimated at 90,000 acres, down 8 percent from last year. Peanut planted acreage is steady with last year at 175,000 acres. Corn planted this year is 100,000 acres, even with last year.