Research Supports Dairy’s Net Zero Initiative with $10 Million Grant

Clint Thompson Dairy

Cows at the dairy on the UGA Tifton Campus. By Clint Thompson Date: February 21, 2017

The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research recently awarded a $10 million grant supporting U.S. dairy’s Net Zero Initiative. Announced last Thursday, the funding will support a six-year project titled “Dairy Soil and Water Regeneration.”

The project focuses on building soil health to reduce greenhouse gases and improving water quality, along with enabling new economic benefits. The research will provide measurement-based assessments of dairy’s greenhouse gas footprint for feed production and set the stage for new market opportunities related to carbon, water quality and soil health, according to Dairy Management Inc.

The grant will be matched by financial contributions from partners such as Nestlé, the dairy industry, including Newtrient, and in-kind support for a total of $23.2 million. The funds are managed by the Dairy Research Institute. Dairy Management Inc. scientists will serve as the project leads to address research gaps in feed production and manure-based fertilizers that, once filled, will enable new markets, incentives and investments in dairy sustainability.

(From the National Association of Farm Broadcasters)