Recognizing the Importance of the Beef Cattle Industry to Corn

Dan Beef, Cattle, Corn


May is National Beef Month, and according to the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) there’s no better way to celebrate than to recognize their largest animal ag customer and throw a sirloin on the grill this holiday weekend.

According to NCGA, one out of four bushels of added corn demand is due to beef and pork exportsWith such demand, NCGA recognizes the value of industry partnership with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the U.S. Meat Export Federation.

NCGA has continued to be the sole sponsor of NCBA’s Cattlemen’s Education Series, a partnership that strives to bring the latest and greatest industry information to producers while highlighting the value that corn and corn products, such as DDGs, bring to beef rations.


With more than 20 million beef cattle in the U.S., the beef industry consumes more than 1,250 million bushels of corn and provides $5.7 billion in value to the corn industry.

In 2018, the value of red meat exports to corn was $1.62 billion and contributed to 11% of bushel value. The projected value of red meat exports to corn from 2018 – 2021 is $19 billion, and $3.2 billion is the projected value of red meat exports to DDGS.

Click here to learn more about corn and the animal ag industry.