Pate Seeks Re-election as Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture & Industries

Dan Alabama

Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture & Industries Rick Pate announced Tuesday that he will seek re-election as the GOP nominee for Commissioner of Agriculture & Industries in 2022.

Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture
Rick Pate

Pate is currently serving his first term in that position. Thus far during his term, the Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries (ADAI) has implemented the statewide branding program “Sweet Grown Alabama”, increased funding for the Alabama Farm to School Program, and successfully administered Alabama’s first industrial hemp program. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Commissioner Pate fought to keep agriculture listed as critical infrastructure, delivered essential personal protective equipment to processing facilities across the state and kept the ADAI functioning.


“It has been an absolute honor to serve as your Commissioner of Agriculture & Industries,” said Pate. “In my first term we accomplished so much, but more work is to be done. This includes keeping our food supply safe, abundant, and sustainable while helping our farmers and rural communities prosper. The agriculture stakeholders have been wonderful partners with me over the past few years.”

More information can be found on Facebook at Rick Pate for Commissioner of Agriculture & Industries.