Common Tomato Plant Disease to Watch for in the Garden

Dan Fruits, Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours, Vegetables

A common Tomato Plant Disease to watch for in your garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

tomato plant

Tomato plants are known for being vulnerable to a number of tomato diseases. Fungal, viral, and bacterial issues can wipe out entire crops and gardens in a short period if left unchecked, so you need to know how to spot these problems and how to treat them.

Anthracnose is one of the most common fungal infections in tomatoes. It causes the fruits to rot on a tomato plant, but the first sign is small, round spots on the fruits that gradually increase in size and darken in the center. Anthracnose lives in the soil, and when infected water splashes onto the leaves from irrigation or rain, it infects the entire plant. Wet weather and poorly draining soil encourage the development.


Spraying your plants with copper fungicide helps to protect your plants. Prevention is the best method; make sure you remove the lower branches to prevent the leaves from touching the soil and always water the base of the plant.

Listen to Cathy Isom’s This Land of Ours program here.

Common Tomato Plant Disease to Watch for in the Garden