Biden’s 30X30 Proposal Causing Concern Among U.S. Agriculture

Dan Conservation, Environment, Legislative


The American Farm Bureau Federation is one of many agriculture groups calling on the Biden Administration to act responsibly when it comes to conservation. Biden’s goal to conserve at least 30 percent of U.S. land and water by 2030, commonly known as “30X30,” is raising many questions.

A letter to the administration makes three key requests: that the administration provides clarity on the initiative; that the effort recognizes voluntary conservation efforts already underway; and that the administration seeks input from farmers and ranchers.

“This ‘30X30’ goal has received a great deal of attention in farming and ranching communities across the country,” writes American Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall. “America’s agriculturalists are asking whether their good work will be recognized by the administration.”


The letter points out that farmers and ranchers have voluntarily enrolled more than 140 million acres of private land into federal and non-federal conservation programs. That’s a landmass larger than the size of New York and California combined.

“We ask that you move swiftly to provide clarification about your intentions, and when you do, make sure to invite public comments because farmers and ranchers are leaders in conservation and deserve to get heard,” Duvall adds.

(From the National Association of Farm Broadcasters)