GPC Increases Research Funds

Clint Thompson Georgia, Peanuts

The Georgia Peanut Commission (GPC) increased its research funding this year in a continued effort to improve peanuts produced in the state. As voted by its board of directors during the commission’s March meeting, the GPC is dedicating $886,235 in research funding for the 2021-22 budget year.

georgia peanut

It approves projects for 42 proposals, from the University of Georgia, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Fort Valley State University and the USDA Agricultural Research Service.

“It’s always been true that research has always given us a great return on the farmers’ investment. A lot of other things have changed over the years but that remains the same,” said Donald Chase, GPC Research Committee chairman. “We’ve had some opportunities because of shifts in what we’ve been able to do in the pandemic, but it’s given us maybe some opportunities to fund some things. Quite frankly, we’ve got some new scientists that are looking at some new projects and we saw it as an opportunity to move us forward once again in our production of peanuts.”

Last year’s research funds totaled $739,693.

The state’s peanut growers invest $2 per ton every year toward GPC programs, that include research, promotion and education. The research programs focus mostly on peanut breeding, conservation methods, irrigation management, as well as pests, weed and disease management.

About the Author

Clint Thompson

Multimedia Journalist for AgNet Media Inc.