GPC Celebrating National Peanut Month

Clint Thompson Georgia, Peanuts

The Georgia Peanut Commission (GPC) is using March to celebrate peanuts and its nutritional benefits with promotional events throughout the country, according to Joy Crosby, director of communications at the GPC.

Joy Crosby: Greatest Snack on Earth
georgia peanut

“The Georgia Peanut Commission is celebrating National Peanut Month in March which also happens to be National Nutrition Month. Peanuts are a great source of protein and very nutritious. Really, it’s the greatest snack on earth. That’s one of the themes we’re using this year for National Peanut Month,” Crosby said.

She added that in the GPC’s promotions, it has used various digital banner ads through iHeartMedia as well as billboards that are located throughout Georgia and in airports in Chicago, Atlanta, Washington D.C. and New York. All are promoting peanuts as the greatest snack on earth.

Joy Crosby: National Peanut Month Activities

GPC’s celebration started on day one with a twitter party through foodie chats on March 1. Five food influencers created new peanut recipes using peanut products that the GPC has for sale in Georgia Peanut Commission gift shop in Tifton, Georgia. They shared ideas, nutritional information and recipes with people who love creating new recipes using peanuts or peanut butter.

Joy Crosby: Recipes

The GPC has also teamed with Parker Wallace, a “culinary goddess” in Atlanta, to create new peanut recipe videos that include gluten free peanut butter cookies and Brussel sprouts with peanut chipotle vinaigrette sauce. These will be featured on social media channels and television stations.

Throughout March, Georgia welcome centers will feature free bags of peanuts for consumers traveling across the state. The centers also have different recipe booklets and general information pertaining to peanuts.

At the beginning of month during PBJ Day in Atlanta, the GPC donated 10,000 jars to food bank in Atlanta. Since then, they’ve also donated 10,000 jars to D.C. Central Kitchen in Washington D.C. and have plans to donate more than 70,000 jars through the Georgia Food Bank Association to food banks across Georgia.

It also collaborated with Taste of Atlanta, featuring eight restaurants that have peanuts on the menu. The GPC is highlighting those restaurants through social media and encouraging people to visit those restaurants to learn more about Georgia’s peanut industry and try one of those menu items.

GPC is also sending peanut gift boxes to news teams throughout Georgia.

“We would like to thank Hershey for their support in donating some of the peanut products that they produced to put into those media gift boxes,” Crosby said.

About the Author

Clint Thompson

Multimedia Journalist for AgNet Media Inc.