Recertify for BQA Online

Dan Beef, Cattle


We told you a couple of weeks ago that the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) had announced new updates and initiatives to their Beef Checkoff-funded Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program for 2021. This also includes updates to their educational training modules. Over the past few years, many cattle producers have taken advantage of BQA training sessions, some on-line, some through in-person training. And for some, it’s time to re-certify. NCBA Director of Beef Quality Assurance Programs, Chase DeCoite says re-certification can be done online.

Recertify for BQA Online

For more information about recertifying for BQA, go to their website,

The Right Way is the Only Way. BQA is for cattlemen and women dedicated to producing the highest quality cattle and providing consumers with the best possible eating experience. Get after it!