GCC Encourages Participation in Various Leadership Roles

Clint Thompson Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

georgia cotton commission

Leadership is important for the cotton industry. Georgia is fortunate to have several key cotton voices hail from the Peach State and serve in significant capacities, says Taylor Sills, executive director of the Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC).

“We’re the second biggest cotton-growing state. We have about 3,500 family farmers that grow cotton in Georgia. We are fortunate to have an abundance of good people to represent Georgia in the cotton industry,” Sills said. “We’re at a very interesting point in our history that we have at the same time, the chairman of the Southern Cotton Growers (Lee Cromley); the chairman of the National Cotton Council (Kent Fountain); the chairman of Cotton Incorporated (Van Murphy); and chairman of the Cotton Board (Jimmy Webb), all from Georgia at the same time.”

Sills encourages more participation from Georgia producers.

“This is really special to have people from Georgia and all of these influential leadership positions at the same time. It just goes to show how involvement really helps with the industry,” Sills said. “If you or someone you know is interested in getting involved in the cotton industry, please let us know. We’re always looking for more people to plug in.”  

About the Author

Clint Thompson

Multimedia Journalist for AgNet Media Inc.