Florida Citrus Forecast for February Sees Some Changes

Dan Citrus, Crop Forecasts, Florida, Grapefruit, USDA-NASS


The 2020-2021 Florida all-orange forecast released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is 56 million boxes, up 2 million boxes from the January forecast. This represents a 4 percent increase from the January forecast. If realized, it will be 17 percent less than last season’s final production.

The forecast change was for non-Valencia production, which now stands at 22 million boxes. Size and drop components were final last month. The row count survey conducted Jan. 26-27 showed 84 percent of the early and mid-season non-Valencia rows, excluding Navels, are harvested.


The forecast for Valencia production is unchanged from January and remains at 34 million boxes. Current fruit size is below average and is projected to be below average at harvest.

The forecast for Florida all-grapefruit production is …..

Learn more about Florida Citrus Forecast for February Sees Some Changes and listen to the entire Citrus Crop Forecast for February on the Citrus Industry website.