Sheep Producers Continue to Deal with Predator Control

Clint Thompson Sheep-Goats

american lamb

Predator control is an important aspect of sheep production across the U.S. Of course there have been a number of challenges when using lethal control, but many producers still rely on these methods to remove problem predators. This was a topic discussed this month in the American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) Research Update. Michael Bodenchuck, with Wildlife Services, has many years in various states across the country in dealing with predators. He looks at the practices of lethal verses non-lethal control.

While coyotes are the predators many think about, Bodenchuck notes there are others out there that sheep producers have to deal with.

The ASI Research Update Podcast features industry experts sharing relevant sheep production practices and research providing American sheep producers access to a wealth of information on management, production and research topics to benefit their operation. Learn more on their website,