GPC Executive Director on Peanut Farm Show Cancellation: Prudent Thing to do

Clint Thompson Georgia, Peanuts

georgia peanut

The Georgia Peanut Commission (GPC) announced on Thursday the cancellation of next month’s Georgia Peanut Farm Show and Conference scheduled for Jan. 20-21.

The announcement was made amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic that has canceled farm shows and meetings across the country.

Don Koehler, executive director of the GPC, was disappointed the decision had to be made but insists it was the right one.

Don Koehler/Georgia Peanut Commission

“It’s a disappointment to all of us but as we have consulted with the university and looked at their policies, it became evident that it was going to be really impossible to do the things that we’d have to do. We looked at even adding tents outside. To do the meal and have all of the exhibitors and try to distance people and find a way to do that, it was not going to work out this year with the situation we’ve got,” Koehler said.

The conference, which was to be held at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center, has been postponed until January, 2022.

GPC encourages farmers to participate in 2021 county production meetings with UGA Extension agents and specialists in preparation for the 2021 season.

“Nobody’s happy about doing this,” Koehler said. “The Peanut Commission Board wishes we didn’t have to do it. We’d hate to be a super spreader for a group of farmers and have some farmers come in there and get sick. It seems to be the prudent thing to do. We’re going to be back with the Farm Show in 2022. It’ll be as good as it’s ever been that year.”

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About the Author

Clint Thompson

Multimedia Journalist for AgNet Media Inc.