Georgia Cotton Commission Encourages Participation in Upcoming Protocol Webinar

Clint Thompson Cotton, Georgia, Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)


The Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC) encourages producers to attend an upcoming virtual webinar that will highlight the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol initiative. GCC Executive Director Taylor Sills provides further details about the event.

“The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol, as we’ve discussed many times before, is a grower-led initiative to prove the sustainability of American cotton producers especially compared to some parts of the world. We know that this is a busy time of year, but the Protocol is going to have a webinar for growers from Georgia, Florida and Alabama at 8:30 a.m. eastern time on Thursday, Nov. 19,” Sills said. “We encourage as many producers as possible to attend to learn how to get signed up and what the benefits of the program are. We hope to have a good turnout.”

Producers have until the end of January to enroll in the program for the 2020 growing season. Ken Burton, Executive Director for U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol, said enrollment for the 2021 year will start around March or April.

More information about the webinar and a link to register can be found on the Georgia Cotton Commission website.

About the Author

Clint Thompson

Multimedia Journalist for AgNet Media Inc.