Cotton, Peanut Harvest Update

Clint Thompson Alabama, Cotton, Florida, Georgia, Peanuts

peanut crop
File photo shows peanuts being harvested.

Cooler, dryer air is moving across the Southeast, which will aid in the harvest of both cotton and peanut fields. But recent rains slowed that progress this past week, and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey has the latest look at the nation’s cotton condition ratings. .

And Rippy notes the past week was not a good one for field work for peanuts, especially here in the Southeast.

In Alabama, 75% of the cotton bolls are open, which compares to 86% last year and the five-year average of 80%. Cotton harvest was barely underway, but last year it was at 10% while the 5-year average is 6%. As for the peanut harvest, 19% had been dug, which compares to 49% last year. Twelve percent had been harvested which compares to 26% last year and the 5-year average of 18%.

In Florida, 50% of the cotton bolls were open, which compares to 66% last year and the five-year average is 60%. Cotton harvest was barely underway, but last year it was at 6% while the 5-year average is 3%. As for the peanut harvest, 42% had been dug, which compares to 61% last year and the 5-year average is 50%. Thirty-one percent had been harvested, which compares to 43% last year and the 5-year average is 41%.

In Georgia, 74% of the cotton bolls were open, which compares to 85% last year and the five-year average is 83%. Cotton harvested was at 4%, which compares to 16% last year and the 5-year average is 9%. As for the peanut harvest, 16% had been dug which compares to 41% last year and the 5-year average of 33%. Peanuts harvested were at 8%, which compares to 24% last year and the 5-year average is 19%.

(cotton and peanut fields):