NASDA: Senate Coronavirus Aid Falls Short for Agriculture

Clint Thompson Alabama, Coronavirus, Florida, Georgia

Negotiations to finalize the next coronavirus relief package in Congress are far from the finish line, and so is aid for agriculture, according to the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA).


The Senate Republican proposal includes a second round of $1,200 stimulus payments for individuals, extends additional unemployment payments by $200 a week through September, and includes substantial funding for schools and COVID-19 testing and $20 billion for agriculture. The discretionary funding would support agricultural producers, growers and processors.

Not included in the Republican plan is additional funding for food and nutrition programs or dedicated funding for state departments of agriculture to respond to COVID-19 impacts.

NASDA CEO Barb Glenn says, “This relief package falls short of meeting the needs of the food and agriculture community.”

Further, Debbie Stabenow, a Michigan Democrat and ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, added, “Struggling Americans deserve better.”

Stabenow says the Republican plan is “a non-starter” without nutrition assistance included.