When it comes to your garden, you’ll likely also have to contend with hungry bugs that want to nibble your prized flowers or move into your lettuce patch. But now there’s a secret weapon to help deal with those uninvited critters, thanks to The Big Bug Hunt. This citizen science project aims to give you a heads-up when certain pests like cucumber beetles and cabbage worms will arrive in your region so you can be ready for them instead of caught by surprise.
The website – BigBugHunt.com – will provide you with a weekly alert about the most common and destructive pests appearing in your area, opening the door for more environmentally friendly insect control. People can post a bug sighting in less than 10 seconds, giving scientists valuable data they can use to make predictions. Knowing when a destructive pest will appear in your garden is the first step in the battle to save your produce or plants.
Listen to Cathy Isom’s report below.