USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has been seeking public comments on its interim rule for the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), but the deadline to make comments is April 13.
RCPP helps partners develop and implement unique conservation solutions that engage farmers, ranchers and forest landowners. The 2018 Farm Bill made it a stand-alone program with its own dedicated funding, simplifying rules for partners and producers. Plus, the 2018 Farm Bill reduces the number of funding pools and emphasizes partner reporting of conservation outcomes.
The updated program also expands flexibility for alternative funding arrangements with partners and availability of watershed program authorities to projects outside critical conservation areas.
Eligible partners include private industry, non-governmental organizations, Indian tribes, state and local governments, water districts and universities. Leveraging of NRCS funding is a key principle of RCPP. Partners are expected to make value-added contributions to amplify the impact of RCPP funding.
NRCS invites comments on this interim rule through April 13 on the Federal Register. Electronic comments must be submitted through regulations.gov under Docket ID NRCS-2019-0012.
For more information, visit the RCPP webpage.