How to Safely Wash Your Fruits and Vegetables

Dan Fruits, This Land of Ours, Vegetables


With everyone concerned over the transmission of viruses, clean produce is surely a concern. Cathy Isom has a few tips about how to safely wash fruits and vegetables. That’s coming up on This Land of ours.

How to Safely Wash Your Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables bring us fresh flavors, vivid colors, and needed nutrients. The last thing we want to worry about is illness and pesticides, so proper washing is key to leaving contaminants behind. One way to do that is to make sure any fruits or vegetables you use have been washed well before you peel, cut, eat, or cook with them. Make sure you’re bringing home produce that hasn’t been bruised, scratched, and is free of mold.

Wash your hands for 20 seconds before and after handling fresh produce.

Hold fruit under cool running tap water, gently rubbing it as you rinse it.  Use a sharp pairing knife to cut off any bruised or damaged spots.  For firm produce, such as melons and winter squash, you may prefer to use a clean vegetable brush to scrub the surface as you rinse it. Produce with bumpy, uneven surfaces, such as cauliflower and broccoli, should be soaked 1 to 2 minutes in cold water (with outer leaves already removed) to remove contaminants from the nooks and crannies. Then rinsed again.

Use a clean cloth or paper towel to dry the produce before using it.

I’m Cathy Isom…