(NAFB) — Lawmakers in the House of Representatives are on track to pass the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) this week.
The House Ways and Means Committee began the process Tuesday, considering the implementing bill in a markup hearing. During the hearing, Committee Chairman Richard Neal said during his opening statement, which included no mention of agriculture, that the changes “set a new standard for U.S. trade agreements.”
Ranking Republican on the Committee, Kevin Brady, stated the agreement “pries open Canada’s market” for several U.S. farm commodities. The committee moved the bill on to the full House for consideration. The House is expected to vote on the implementing bill Thursday.
The Senate, however, will not consider the legislation until after any impeachment hearings, likely around late January.
The bill repeals the current North American Free Trade Agreement and replaces it with USMCA.
President Donald Trump sent the implementing legislation to Congress last week, following an agreement on changes to the deal with House Democrats.
Source: National Association of Farm Broadcasters