Peanut Harvest Ending, Cotton Harvest Progressing

Dan Cotton, Peanuts

cotton harvest

Cotton harvest across the Southeast continues to move along. USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey has an update on the progress.

Cotton Harvest Progress

And Rippey updates the progress of the peanut harvest, which has ended in some states.

Peanut Harvest Progress

In Alabama, 86 percent of the cotton crop has been harvested, which compares to 73 percent this time last year. 95 percent pf the peanuts have been harvested, which compares to 85 percent last year.

peanut harvest

In Florida, 74 percent of the cotton crop has been harvested, which compares to 35 percent this time last year. And as Rippey noted, as of this week, 100 percent of peanuts have been harvested in the state.

In Georgia, 79 percent of the cotton crop has been harvested, which compares to 64 percent this time last year. 96 percent of the peanut crop have been harvested, which compares to 89 percent last year.