Roasting Pumpkin Seeds for Health Benefits

Dan Fruits, Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours, Vegetables


Don’t throw those seeds out! Cathy Isom explains all of the great benefits to roasting pumpkin seeds for a healthy snack.

Roasting Pumpkin Seeds for Health Benefits

Pumpkin seeds have a lot to offer.  They not only taste amazing, but they can be souped up with all different kinds of flavors. They’re also jam-packed with nutrition known to improve heart health. They’re full of good fats, zinc, antioxidants, iron and magnesium. Whole roasted pumpkin seeds are also great combatants of other health issues like prostate problems. About 1 ounce of saltless seeds are about 126 calories.

You can pull your own seeds from a pumpkin by washing it carefully and scooping out the insides. Use a colander and rinse the seeds under cold water. This makes it easier to pull the pulp strings off the seeds. Don’t worry if you can’t get all the pulp off the seeds. Once you have them in the oven, the pulp will shrink and the smaller pieces will dry up completely. 

With that being said, make sure you remove the larger chunks of pulp so the seeds have the best chance of drying.  Some prefer to use olive oil or butter while roasting their seeds, but salt sticks well-enough to the gooey pumpkin seeds so it isn’t necessary. 

Place cleaned, semi-dry, seeds on an aluminum foil-lined cookie sheet. Arrange seeds in a single layer and sprinkle with sea salt to taste. Toss the seeds, bake in a 350°F oven for 15-20 minutes, stirring halfway through the cooking time. Let cool and dig in.