Final Day for Citrus and VSC Expo

Dan Citrus, Florida

final day

All citrus and vegetable & specialty crop growers are being reminded today, August 15th, is the final day for theĀ 2019 Citrus Expo and Vegetable & Specialty Crop Expo. This yearā€™s event, taking place at theĀ Lee Civic Center in North Fort Myers, Florida, has already seen a large crowd of attendees. Southeast AgNetā€™s Abbey Taylor is there and has this report.

Final Day for Citrus and VSC Expo

Attendance is free with complimentary breakfast and lunch for grove owners and managers, citrus production managers, vegetable and specialty crop growers, professional crop advisers, association representatives, board members and the agricultural research community. Plus, attendees of the Vegetable & Specialty Crop (VSC) Expo are among the first to receive the 2019-2020 University of Florida/IFAS Vegetable Production Handbook.