Why You Need to Grow Mixed Berries at Home

Dan Fruits, Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours

mixed berries

Cathy Isom fills you in on what kind, as well as the many reasons why you should grow mixed berries at home. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Why You Need to Grow Mixed Berries at Home

Berries are well regarded for the healthful values, particularly anti-oxidants for fighting off cancer and brain deterioration. Plus, they have lots of vitamins and minerals.

Growing mixed berries at home is something that can be done in urban and suburban settings. It’s also often something that can be done where there are bans on growing productive lawns because they can stand as ornamentals rather than productive plants.

mixed berries

There are so many to choose from. Blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries. But, there are also elderberries and currants and gooseberries and cranberries. As well as the newly popularized choices like goji and mulberries.

Some of the many reasons why we should grow mixed berries at home? They grow everywhere, and they fit in tight spots, like hanging baskets or window sills. Their low maintenance, most are hardy plants, and many will endure droughts.  They’re also inexpensive, easy to preserve, and versatile.  Berries are tremendous whole food ingredients to work with. and show up in all sorts of recipes. They also attract birds, bees, and other wildlife.

I’m Cathy Isom…