In our weekly update on the nation’s cotton and peanut crops, U.S. Department of Agriculture meteorologist Brad Rippey says nearly half of the nation’s cotton acreage is squaring.
Rippey says over half of the nation’s peanut crop is pegging.
In Alabama, 74 percent of the cotton is squaring, which compares to only 62 percent this time last year. Seventeen percent is setting bolls. Sixty-nine percent of the peanut crop is pegging, which compares to only 59 percent last year at this time.
In Florida, 65 percent of the cotton is squaring, which compares to only 41 percent this time last year. Seventeen percent is setting bolls. Sixty-eight percent of the peanut crop is pegging, which compares to only 47 percent last year at this time.
In Georgia, 71 percent of the cotton is squaring, which compares to 68 percent this time last year. Twenty-five percent is setting bolls. Seventy-two percent of the peanut crop is pegging, which is the same as last year at this time.