How to Eat Avocado Seeds, and Why

Dan Fruits, Seeds, This Land of Ours

avocado seeds

Most of us simply take them and plant them, or throw them out. Cathy Isom tells us why, and how to eat Avocado seeds. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

How to Eat Avocado Seeds, and Why

Avocados are well known health promoters that are packed with vitamins and antioxidants that do wonders for our skin, blood, tissue and organs. But the seed is actually where most of the fruit’s nutritional potential resides.

The seed holds 70 percent of the avocado’s antioxidants. Avocado seeds have more soluble fiber than even top tier fiber providers. Additionally, the oil within ups the amount of collagen in our skin, keeping it young and wrinkle-free, as well as shining up the hair so that we remain good-looking, too.


Simply take the seed from the avocado like normal and then knife it into quarters. After that, the bits of seed can be thrown into a food processor, grinder or powerful blender to make powder. The resulting powder will be bitter and full of tannins, so it’s best use with other strong flavors, such as a green smoothie or juice, that’ll mask it a bit. About a half a seed is enough for one solid serving, and the other half can be saved for next time.  For a powder with a longer shelf life, the seeds can be dried prior to grinding. This can be done in a dehydrator or by setting the seeds on a sunny windowsill for a few days.

I’m Cathy Isom…