Ways to Avoid Wasting Your Bountiful Harvest

Dan Fruits, This Land of Ours, Vegetables

bountiful harvest

Your garden produced to much for you to consume? Cathy Isom has some great ways to avoid wasting your bountiful harvest. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Ways to Avoid Wasting Your Bountiful Harvest

Too much food from your garden can be a wonderful problem to have. But if you have way more than you can feed yourself and your family and you don’t want the fruits of your labor to go to waste, consider these suggestions. 

Check with local food banks and soup kitchens to see if they’ll accept fresh produce. Or, check in with your neighbors.  There are plenty of folks who don’t grow gardens but wouldn’t mind some fresh yellow squash for dinner. 

Organic Baked Butternut Squash with Herbs and Spices

Get creative in the kitchen. With squash in particular, there are lots of innovative ways to put it to work for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Bring your extra veggies to work and share with co-workers.

Frozen cubes of zucchini in a bowl

Freezing cucumber and squash isn’t the norm, but it does work, particularly with squashes. They can be sliced, spread onto a baking sheet and frozen individually before they are compiled in a bag.

In the end, if the harvest just can’t be fully taken in and distributed, a compost pile will not turn its nose up at cucumbers and squashes.

I’m Cathy Isom…